Thursday, April 14, 2011

Helping Your Child Learn to Talk

Learning to talk is a process that starts at birth, when your baby experiences how voices can sound.  By two years, most babies have a large vocabulary and can put words together to express their needs and ideas.   

      Between two and three years, your child’s language skills will grow by leaps and bounds.  He will string more words together to create simple sentences, such as “Mommy go bye-bye.”  He will be able to answer simple questions, such as “Where is your bear?”  By 36 months he will be able to answer more complicated questions such as, “What do you do when you are hungry?”  He will do more and more pretend play, acting out imaginary scenes, such as going to work, fixing the toy car, taking care of his “family” (of dolls, animals.).
You can help your child put all his new words together and teach him things that are important to know when you:
> Teach your child to say his or first and last name.
> Ask about the number, size and shape of the things your child shows you. 
> Ask open-ended questions that don’t have a “yes” or “no” answer.  This helps them develop their own ideas and learn to express them.  If it’s worms, you could say: “What fat, wiggly worms!  How many are there?...Where are they going?  Wait, watch and listen to the answer. You can suggest an answer if needed: “I see five.  Are they going to the park or the store?”
> Ask your child to tell you the story that goes with a favorite book.  “What happened to those three pigs?” Reading spurs language development.  Take him to storytime at your local library.  Your toddler will enjoy sharing books with you as well as peers.
> Do lots of pretend play.  Acting out stories and role-playing create rich opportunities for using, and learning, language.
> Don’t forget what worked earlier.  For example, your child still needs quiet time.  This is not just for naps.  Turn off the TV and radio and let your child enjoy quiet play, singing and talking with you.
Enjoy your time with children ^^
 By. Ani Sulistiani

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